Frequently Asked Questions
How To
After joining a party and once the party has started, select the add picture button
and use the camera to take a picture.
After joining a party and once the party has started, select the add video button
and use the camera to take a video.
Currently, you must share them with the party owner, and the party owner will be able to upload images and MP4 videos to their party repository in the My Party Album online application.
Pictures allow JPG format, and videos will allow for MP4 format with a maximum of 2-minute videos.
Closing and opening the application should retrieve the latest party changes.
A copy of every picture or video taken within the application will be sent to the party repository and saved to your local gallery. Once a picture or video is uploaded to the party repository it is up to the party owner to edit any images and add them to albums within the same party or delete images as they choose.
Depending on the size and duration of the party, you will be allowed to take/add pictures and videos to your party and invite others to take/add pictures and videos as long as your party is active. As soon as the party starts, the party owner can create and share albums with the pictures and videos captured by the party participants. As long as the party account is active, the party owner may create and share albums based on the picture and video content captured during their party.
All you need to invite someone to a party is with the party code. Once the participant installs the My Party Album application on their mobile Android or iOS device, they select the “Join a Party” a, enter the party code you provided and press the “Join Party” a.
How it Works
After logging into your account on, go to your party list, select the edit a next to the party you want to update, edit the party settings and save your changes. Once a party has started, you cannot change the dates of the party.
After logging into your account on, go to your party List, select the edit a next to the party you want to update, edit the party name and save your changes.
After logging into your account on, go to your party list, select the edit a next to the party you want to update. Select Update Image next to the party image and save your new image.
If you wish to stop someone from adding pictures you can log into your account on, go to your parties, select the “contributors” a associated with the party and select the “Rejected” checkbox beside the name and email of the person you do not want to add pictures and videos to your party.
Remember, as the party owner nobody can see other contributors' pictures and videos until you have shared it in an album.
Remember, as the party owner nobody can see other contributors' pictures and videos until you have shared it in an album.
The only restrictions are based on the number of participants as identified with the package you purchased. For example, if you have purchased a 50 person party, then only 50 people will e able to actively add pictures and videos to your party.
Log into your account on, go to your parties, select the “contributors” a associated with the party and select the “Reject” checkbox beside the name and email of the person you want to eliminate. To add a new person simply give them the party code and have them register. Make sure to eliminate guests before giving codes to the new guests. If the guest limit has been reached, they will not be able to register.

What's Coming
Our current application does not allow the editing of pictures taken within the application. Our coming releases will have additional features for editing pictures after they are taken and before they are sent to the party repository.
We don’t have the option at this time but soon we will be adding the ability to purchase a coupon or code for someone to purchase a party for someone else to use.
Currently, from a web browser, you may print a single album image. We are going to include the ability to send images or entire albums to be printed from the album viewer.
After the Party
Once the party starts, we will store your pictures, videos, and albums for one year. When the year is over, you may choose to pay for a membership or annual maintenance to keep your pictures and albums in our service. If you want, you may download your pictures, but albums are a feature available only if you stay with My Party Album.
After logging into your account on, go to your party list, select the Albums button. When it opens, you will see a list of all your albums and can select the “Create an Album” button to create a new album.
Once you have created your album you can select the share button from within the album and send it to your contributors, or copy the URL Link and email, or share it on any media app you would like.
Albums are not private. Anyone who has the link to your album may view the pictures and videos you have added to the album.
After logging into your account on, go to your party list, select the Albums button. When it opens, you will see a list of all your albums.

After logging into your account on, go to your party list, select the Pictures button.

With the purchase of a party, we will keep your pictures and any albums you have created for one year. When the year is over, you may download your images or pay to have the pictures, videos and albums stored by My Party Album.
For one year from the start of the party, or with a subscription or maintenance package, your pictures, videos and albums will be available to view from or within the mobile applications.
If you do not choose to download or pay to extend your service with My Party Album we will delete your pictures at the end of your year term.
Mobile Data
The mobile application allows you to change the settings for the mobile application to only allow pictures and video to be uploaded over “WiFi Only”. When WiFi Only is selected, pictures and videos will only be sent to the party repository if the device is connected to a WiFi connection.
Pictures and Videos captured with the My Pary Album application will be shared when the mobile device has a WiFi connection.
No, you may change the settings of the mobile application in the Settings menu to use “WiFi Only”.