Captivate your students
Our photo-sharing app belongs in your classroom

We prioritize safety & privacy for students

Owned by you
Any photos you take or upload will always be the school’s property

Build student connection with every day photo-sharing

Easy to use
Plus we’ve got FAQs & tutorials if you get stuck

Make teaching collaborative
We learn better together
We all know the saying “A picture’s worth 1000 words”, so just think how much we can learn from our photos. Lessons that we should be sharing with each other. Well, My Party Album is doing just that. We’re the first photo sharing app to bring a visual based approach to the classroom, so we’re learning more, together.

Get outside the classroom
Give your students more to explore
Our app was designed to facilitate deeper learning. My Party Album is the perfect companion to your school’s next field trip or homework assignment.

With My Party Album...

Easily turn your photos into printed photos or yearbooks

See another side to your students; empower them to share more with you.

Use a tool that will work for students of any age or grade