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My Party Album is the app that allows people to privately share photos for special events and the everyday. Our app AUTOMATICALLY COLLECTS captured photos and videos, and makes it easier and safer to ORGANIZE all the content from everyone in the room. That means ONLY THE PEOPLE YOU CHOOSE have access to your photo and video content plus YOUR INFORMATION is secure.

My Party Album has made it easier than ever to take, collect, organize, and share photos and videos. That means fast loading, high quality pictures that can be shared and sorted within seconds of taking them. No more clicking around and switching apps to get from camera to social media! Quick and efficient sharing that actually stays between you and those closest to you.

We are in the era of big data, where people’s information is being sold and traded to companies worldwide. Users’ habits and interests are tracked and analyzed then shared to third parties. This data is a collection of information tied to any photo/video uploads, user internet activity, as well as, the information that users provide to their profiles. Initially, this monitoring was to enhance the user’s experience but it has sneakily turned the users’ activity into a product. You can see some more information on large social media’s data extraction in photos here and their selling of ’big data’ here.

My Party Album cares about fun, security, and privacy. With easy-to-use functionality, you now have a way to capture more memories automatically and worry-free. When sharing your personal moments with your friends and family, you can keep everything safe and secure from any “Big Social Media” ulterior motives. Not to mention, you will avoid the possibility of your content being shared with strangers all around the world – who would want a silly video of them on the dance floor going viral? It is time for an app that gives you true privacy while keeping the fun of sharing your memories with loved ones! We believe that it is up to you to choose where your data goes. When you use My Party Album, your data stays with us.

Use our app for the big events (Party) and the day-to-day (Mixer)! My Party Album gives users the ability to take and automatically share their Party photos with the event host. Party hosts end up with hundreds of photos stored securely until they’re ready to create custom albums for their guests. No party in your future? Have a Mixer and invite up to 20 friends or family to automatically share life's special moments to each member’s device with no extra steps. My Party Album makes it easy to SHARE, SAVE, & CAPTURE MORE MEMORIES in your everyday life and during large events. YOUR PHOTOS AND DATA ARE SECURE - staying with you and your guests.